Canadian Club Chairman’s Select 100% Rye

imageLCBO#: 390583
Price: $27.95
Made in: Ontario, Canada
By: The Canadian Club Whisky Company

This 100% Rye whisky is a rich amber colour with a golden hue. Nice toasted caramel aromas with some alcohol and banana notes, reminding me of bourbon. Mild warming mouthfeel going down. Good rye bread taste with the hints of banana, spices and toffee. Thankfully not as sweet and rich as bourbon, but better balanced with some fruity notes. The commercial says it all, how they are trying to get the younger generation into whisky. Quite good and a good job from the marketing department. Being a fan of Canadian Club Reserve, this is a nice addition with all rye.

Rating: 4.2/5

Label 5 Classic Black

imageSAQ#: 11133394
Price: $24.40
Made in: Scotland
By: First Blending Company

This Scottish blended whiskey was purchased at the Canadian duty-free and has the typical caramel colour. Priced very cheap, I decided to try it thinking it would be crap. Nope. Caramel scent with the whiskey grain nose. Very smooth, very smooth. The grain taste is present but smooth overall. Alcohol is there, but that nice bite is welcomed from such a cheap priced alcohol. This is one blend I really recommend for the price. Not expecting this and reminding me of Teachers.

Rating: N/A – as a little intoxicated by night’s end 😛

The Glenlivet Master Distiller’s Reserve

20140131-162804.jpgThe Glenlivet owned by Pernod Ricard
Location: Speyside
ABV: 40%
Purchased at the Duty Free (1 Litre bottle)

I started liking scotch when I bought my first bottle of Glenlivet. After many years, I bought their 18 year old version. Glenlivet seems like a great entry to scotches. Then comes this “Master Distiller’s Reserve”, that someone brought for our sky vacation. Wow, this is quite nice. A beautiful nose of maple syrup over the smooth grain. Does burn as it goes down, but a nice warmth overall. The grain is present in the taste with little smoke. Quite a nice one and hope to find a bottle for myself.

Rating: 3.8/5